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Epic Training: A Comprehensive Guide to Obstacle Course Race Training

Obstacle Racing Kindle EBook Edition

epub format


With this book, I hope to bring the world of Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) to more people. And let them know that "Yes, you too, can do these crazy races!" This book is meant to help remove any hesitation or fear of trying an obstacle course race, also called OCR for short. To give proper training advice and an insight into the many layers, distances and people who have conquered an OCR. Many people look at the race from the outside and see the things that they cannot do or are afraid of, such as climbing a rope. With good instruction and guidance these obstacles can conquered.


This book is meant to help athletes that have become bored with the same old running and fitness routine and may want something different. Something with more than one dimension to it. Obstacle Course Racing has many facets and I hope I can help transition a single sport athlete into this growing hybrid athlete sport.


Throughout the book I will have sections for trainers and coaches. In these sections I will talk about my perspective as a coach and give advice and guidance on teaching the information to athletes from a coach's perspective.


This book does not have to be read front to back. Instead, it is set up in a way that will allow you to jump around chapters if needed. If you are reading this close to a race you may want to jump straight to the obstacle section to learn a few tips and tricks before the race. If your race is three to four months away and can work on strength work as well as running form you can jump right to the training and running sections. Please use this book the best way for your racing season.


This book is for everyone who wants to run a healthy race, maybe compete in their age group, but mostly the newer athletes and the coaches that want to teach anyone to get involved with obstacle course racing. These races can change your life. This book is meant to alleviate fear and doubt and give you a plan to conquer a physical and mental challenge, to give you access to something that can be a catalyst of change for you. To awaken something that may be lying deep within, dormant but primal, necessary but hidden. It's a push and a guide into the unknown.

Epic Training: A Comprehensive Guide to Obstacle Course Race Training - EBook

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